So how did we get into this mess and is there any possible hope now to eliminate our debt before our credit is completely destroyed? According to Donald Trump, our leaders may be good at winning elections but are unqualified at handling the country's finances. Can a business tycoon not in bed so much with large donors, lobbyists and political PACs actually make a better negotiator? Possibly but what about a brain surgeon? Yes I'd trust him more getting inside my head than Ted Cruz but is he really qualified? The notion of someone with no experience in business running the country is scary but an individual with no political experience is hard to swallow as well. Yet this seems to be the direction the country is going as Dr. Ben Carson now ties or beats Trump in two recent poles and establishment candidates are sinking ever further. People are dissatisfied for a good reason with the status quo and though unconventional, it may actually take an outsider to rescue the country from an almost certain loss of power, prestige and control in worldly affairs.
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