Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Twisted Tale of Wilfred

The Enigmatic Wilfred
The FXX dark comedy Wilfred recently began airing its forth and final season. In this hilarious, albeit crude show, the world sees Wilfred as a dog but Ryan sees Wilfred as a half man-like / half dog-like character. Trying to decipher why Ryan is only one of two so far that can see Wilfred in his true form has taken us on a quest where so far we've learned Wilfred likes to mess with Ryan's head, he is or is not a deity and Ryan may be his "chosen one". Is Wilfred a force of good or evil? Is he Ryan's friend guiding him to salvation or a dark destructive force bent set on his destruction? Only time will tell as we follow the series conclusion. I just hope they don't end the series leaving the question open. You hear that you FXX writers!

1 comment:

  1. With the series finale of Wilfred last night, we finally know the answer. Great ending to the show! All facets of the story finally came together. Without spoiling the ending for anyone who has not seen it, all I can say is that it was touching and unexpected. Clever as always, Wilfred is sure to be remembered as a cult classic.
