Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Every Mailman's Worst Nightmare

Snowball After a Long Day
It was a day like any other when I came home from work to find the front window missing. Snowball had apparently broken through the glass. His mortal enemy just dropped the mail and ran. Not long afterwards, I had him chained to a bench on the front porch as I was working outside. Upon seeing the mailman, the family pet dragged the bench across the driveway nearly hitting my car while closing in on the mailman. Alarmed, the mailman dropped the package which Snowball subsequently peed on. Unfortunately for the postal guy, the package was not for me so he had to pick it up and still deliver it. Lightning struck a third time when I was walking Snowball and his cheap made in China auto-retractable leash broke and again, guess who was in sight? In his 17 years of living, Snowball never managed to get that mailman before his passing but he showed that mailman who was boss and no one in a postal uniform ever dared step foot in our house.

Canine Companion on Couch

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