Friday, March 13, 2015

Why I'm an Independent

The typical treatment of issues being black and white to me just does not work. A perfect example is unions. Before them, monopolies could literally fire everyone overnight if they refused to put up with extremely oppressive conditions. Unions have done a lot over the years but now some believe they are becoming too strong. When rules become so stringent that companies begin to shut down, ultimately the concept of organized labor fails. Likewise, it would be great if we could just raise the minimum wage but the reality is quite a few mom and pop establishments are barely able to pay workers now.

Personally, I find it more disturbing when I can predict exactly how a person will stand on almost any issue by what news channel they listen to. While some media outlets strive to present neutral views, others prefer to shape and reinforce views that already lean in a certain direction. I am my own person and do not need political spin either way. A biased news source loses credibility and journalistic integrity. Unfortunately, the world is not black and white and failure to see the gray in between causes political stagnation as our bridges become perilously compromised and common good becomes sacrificed.

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