Thursday, April 2, 2015

Age Old Riddle Solved - The Egg Came First!

Despite attempts from some of our best minds from Galileo to Hawking, an age old riddle still remains:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Having devoted my entire life to solving this conundrum (not), I can safely say from a scientific standpoint at least, the egg definitely came first! Why? It's simple; grown species do not mutate directly into other species but genetic mutations can and do happen all the time at birth. Usually these accidents of nature are detrimental to an individual but every once in a long while, a mutation occurs that gives the animal a distinct survival advantage. A perfect example is with humans. Often we are born with webbed hands and feet. This "defect" is usually corrected shortly after birth because we consider it undesirable. However, ducks, geese, swans, penguins, cranes, egrets and even polar bears and tigers all have this anomaly that allows them to take advantage of food opportunities that would normally be out of reach.

The successful trait is then passed down to the next generation and ultimately, this is how you have birds like penguins becoming more fish-like and unable to fly. You can fly all you want in the arctic and still be at a disadvantage if you cannot take advantage of food sources deep below the waves. Mutation that are passed to subsequent generations can only occur during the embryonic stage so take that you "chicken came first" conspirators!

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