Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Contradictions of Global Warming Theory

Why is it when the weather is hot, activists always claim it is because of global warming yet when the opposite occurs, people are content to write it off as an unusual weather anomaly? With 13 states in July, 2014 reporting the coldest weather on record since weather recording began in 1895, you have to wonder, is it possible that the climate is not really warming due to greenhouse gases? John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, does not subscribe to the global warming theory and there is plenty of dissent in the scientific community as well. Nevertheless, the bias in the media continues. Is this because people will believe what they want to believe? Just because a theory sounds credible, does not mean it holds up to rigorous scientific testing. Bias has no place in science and until more conclusive evidence presents itself, one would be cautious taking the word of people who cherry pick data to fit their climate predictions.

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