Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Science Proving Moon Landing

After years of misinformation of those who perpetuate the myth that we never went to the moon, solving these criticisms is actually not hard to grasp. Let us look at the most common criticisms:

Question: Why are there no stars appearing on the moon surface?
Answer: The same illusion occurs on Earth whenever there are a lot of lights on the ground. These lights make it hard to see the stars at night. That is why camp sites are favorites for viewing celestial formations. The number of stars is roughly the same but the view becomes unencumbered.

Question: Why does the flag appear to fly in the wind if the moon has no atmosphere?
Answer: Before setting the flag on the lunar surface, it was rolled up. When unrolled, that energy was released creating motion. Since objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless another force acts upon it, movement will often continue.

Question: Why does the flag stand up if there is no wind?
Answer: To avoid the American flag dangling in the absence of wind, poles were added to prop up each flag. These poles are clearly visible in much of the archival footage.

Furthermore, we know astronauts landed on the moon because we can actually bounce lasers off of a mirror placed there! This was done to accurately measure the distance between the Earth and moon but also proves without a shadow of a doubt, we were there! For more information explaining the science behind the lunar landings, visit any science discussion forum, search Google or check out NASA's official site.

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