Monday, September 14, 2015

Hazardous Unmarked Speed Bumps

A very disturbing trend occurring in some areas are covert speed bumps. These unmarked protrusions that appear as nothing more than raised asphalt a few inches high with no paint warnings or signs may technically not be speed bumps as they are small but they are extremely dangerous to motorcyclists and hazards to other vehicles. On a road with a 50 mile an hour speed limit like Route 70 in NJ, this could mean death for some and yet the state somehow believes it's okay to place these by traffic lights. Since there is a good chance the vehicle may have a green light, one cannot assume a slow approach. I'd call the town but they always say it's not their road. Calling the state is even more futile. I guess not enough people were seriously injured or killed by the obstacles to warrant more intelligent road planning.

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