Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lesson that Should be Learned from HP Failure

Once again, Hewlett-Packard has announced plans to cut another 33,300 jobs over the next three years in addition to the previous 55,000 layoffs already taking place. What does this say about the industry and are there any lessons that should be learned?

Both Apple and Microsoft continue to dominate in their respective niches. In addition, Google's Android operating system though free is challenging both companies for market share. In response, Hewlett-Packard has tried multiple strategies including the marketing of its own operating system HP ThinPro. The Linux based OS may lessen HP's dependence on Windows but once again, a tech company missed a crucial point that could have set them apart. Virtually all computing devices have one significant disadvantage; they all rely on bloated operating systems that waste battery life maintaining. While wireless / Bluetooth can make charging less painful, the need to constantly stop and recharge is extremely annoying and inconvenient to say the least.

If most people use only a tiny fraction of the capabilities of an operating system, why are these operating systems overloaded with features that can be downloaded as separate apps? HP's ThinPro may seem less overburdened in this respect but truthfully, anything that relies on Linux is bloatware in my opinion. In the old days, an operating system could fit on a single floppy. If the code is truly optimized, the constant need to defend against attacks on what proportionally amounts to the Great Wall of China would be diminished and users could enjoy their devices longer without interruption. Until someone is able to both develop and successfully market such an OS, consumers will be forced to bear the burden of a vicious cycle of constant security updates and background processes made worse by an enormous operating system that may actually be working more against users than for them.

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