Tuesday, September 15, 2015

So Much for "Climate Change"

First it was "global warming". Then when that didn't pan out "global warming" became "climate change". This safer argument claims man's actions are responsible for more severe whether. Unfortunately for its proponents, now comes this news:

"This is the first September 12 without a major cyclone since 1977, says Philip Klotzbach, a meteorologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins."

source: https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/science-ticker/earth-just-had-its-first-storm-free-hurricane-peak-38-years?tgt=nr

Also interesting to point out is that we now have a lot more storm monitoring sites and more accurate temperature and atmospheric readings. Today, weather extremes tend to be reported much more and few weather anomalies go unreported. That was not always the case in the past. Basically what this means is that older monitoring systems were less accurate and occasionally excluded important data. The result, even if a person is not deliberately trying to skew the data now, the potential for misinterpreting and overestimating various climate factors remains well within the margin of error thus suggesting the real story is that what we are experiencing is actually far more normal than the media typically presents.

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