Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why Does Water Condensate on my Glass?

You're in a restaurant drinking a beverage and again as if by magic, water condensation appears on your drinking glass. While everyone is familiar with the phenomenon, few people actually realize what is happening. The reason why condensation appears is that water vapor exists all around you in the form of humidity. A vapor (or gas) has fast moving particles. The cold glass causes the molecules around the glass to slow down and become semi-obstructed. This partial obstruction forms a different state of matter known as a liquid. If the glass is cold enough, the molecules will become completely obstructed and form a solid (ice). Likewise, if you re-heat the glass, the water molecules become liberated again forming a gas. Heat it up enough and the glass itself will vaporize as the molecules break down entirely into their essential elements to produce the forth state of matter know as a plasma.

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