Monday, September 29, 2014

Windows 9 Delivers

In the much anticipated technical preview of Windows 9, Microsoft appears to have made progress listening to customer feedback. Annoying features like the Charms bar that make Web browsing awkward on a mouse/keyword device are now suppressed. Users on a touch screen will still have access to this feature. Likewise, Windows 9 also does not force the user into full screen mode. Instead, such programs now operate in windows to encourage multitasking. The pinnacle of course is the return of the Start menu. The new Start menu combines the best of the old and new. On the left side, a traditional view of the program hierarchy appears while the right shows a more modern live tile display. Also noteworthy is the addition of voice enabled applications through Cortana. Though not exactly cutting edge anymore or particularly reliable on any device, voice enabled applications are a major selling point and Windows 9 appears to have embraced it well.

In short, Microsoft has finally tamed Windows again by rolling back annoying features while not losing track of the future. In all, Windows 8 was a mistake but its faster load speed over previous versions cannot be ignored. Hopefully Microsoft will continue to work on this as they move forward. With this major upgrade to the operating system, users should feel comfortable again using their PCs. In Windows 9, users can easily find programs and get up and running quickly. Experienced users will no longer feel like novices again. Most important of all, Windows 9 appears to have been designed to restore consumer confidence so end users can leverage their knowledge of previous versions to keep being productive while they learn new features.


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